July 28, 2017
“Ask yourself what would you do to be able to do what you love?!?”

“Cosmetology is my Passion, so I found a way to make it happen and it is a decision I will never regret!” Bryanna recalls” I was wasting time doing what others said I should do when all I’ve ever wanted to do was help people feel beautiful in their own skin and to be acknowledged for my talent.”
Don’t misunderstand, Bryanna come from Waterloo, Iowa and has an amazing family! Plus, an awesome, supportive and accepting friend group. But something Bryanna is also proud of is her work ethic, “I work extremely hard to get what I have and the only place to go is up!”
Right now, Bryanna is currently working at an “AMAZING” salon in Cedar Falls part time, she is starting to build her clientele, expanding her skills, meeting new stylists and finding out each day how much she loves this industry! “My future is always on my mind and all I can do is smile!” Bryanna says.
Initially when Bryanna came to school she started out thinking she knew everything but she admits she was WRONG!! “I had to take a 2-year break before I finished my hours and that break did me good. I came back refreshed and yearning to learn anything & everything and taking all the knowledge and advice, I could! When you are open to constructive criticism you are going to grow so much more!”
Bryanna’s advice to others searching for their dream, “Ask yourself what would you do to be able to do what you love, what you are passionate about every day? If you are not willing to make compromises and put your education first, you never will. But I all you can think about is getting clients in your chair, learning and watching more about hair and makeup, going to hair and makeup shows, and learning more about everything you can and never feeling like you are working then you are going to be amazing!!!”
To learn more about La’ James International College & the Cosmetology program, contact our Admissions Team! They are ready and happy to help or visit our website www.ljic.edu today!
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