October 20, 2016
Finding Glamour in the Ordinary

When most people think of clowns and the circus, the word glamorous might not be the first word that comes to mind. La’ James International College’s Des Moines Cosmetology student, Alex Orozco, decided to find glamour in that theme and turned it into an INCREDIBLE look! “I had seen pictures of clowns with creepy and dark make-up so I used that inspiration to make a clown look more glamorous!”
Alex’s creativity and inspiration paid off, he won FIRST place in the Total Look category at LJIC’s 2016 Trend Vision Competition! This was Alex’s second Trend Vision Competition he’s attended, but by far the BEST one yet! “My entry number was 25 and that is the day I was born so I thought that was pretty lucky at the start of the day. Once the award was being announced I could just hear them say number 25, and realizing it was me! I definitely freaked out and was SO excited!” Alex also helped bring home the Spirit Award for Des Moines this year! “It was AWESOME to see the spirit coming from the Des Moines students. We ALL wanted to win this year!”
Alex was unsure at first whether or not he wanted to compete this year, but after some reassurance from an instructor, he decided to take the challenge! “Mrs. Harrison encouraged me to compete! I originally had just wanted to compete in the Make-Up Category but I found a classmate who was perfect for my clown inspiration! She even had the Ring-Master costume already!” Alex LOVES creating new looks with make-up and unique styles. Currently, he is working as a Consultant at a make-up counter and getting all the experience in the industry he can before graduating next month!
Alex’s desire to compete hasn’t stopped at Trend Vision. He is currently mastering his look for the Frightfully Delightful Halloween Competition on Bloom! For anyone doubting their ability to compete, Alex has incredible advice! “Make your inspiration and look a representation of you! I didn’t want a clown that everyone has seen before and expects. I wanted to make the clown gorgeous, with sultry lips and a wing liner. Find a look and put yourself IN IT, don’t just recreate it!
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