February 10, 2017
The Opportunities are Endless!

Jamie had always been interested in a career in Cosmetology but never pursued it after high school till one day, she knew it was the perfect time to start! “I had always been attracted to Cosmetology since I was in middle school! I remember going to a career fair in 7th grade where a Cosmetologist came in and I was so fascinated! I knew I wanted a change from my current job. My husband encouraged me to pursue a career in Cosmetology!” When it came to picking the perfect school, Jamie fell in LOVE with the La’ James International College Campus in Johnston! “When I toured here, I loved the facility! I also liked the flexibility of the 3-Day Cosmetology Hybrid program’s schedule so I could come to school and still have plenty of time with my family! I could just really see myself coming to school and being successful here at LJIC!”
As an LJIC student, Jamie has had the unique opportunity to participate in many events LJIC holds and attends! Her favorite being when her and her classmates got the opportunity to style the models for the Des Moines Fashion Show! “Doing the styles and looks for the DSM Fashion show was amazing! It was so fast-paced which I really liked. Plus, I thought it was really cool that people in the audience were seeing my work on the runway! I was so grateful for an opportunity like that!” Jamie also participated in LJIC’s Satin Smooth waxing class. “The Satin Smooth class was awesome! I thought I loved just doing hair till I took that class! I didn’t know how much I LOVED waxing!” Jamie is also an active member in the Des Moines student’s Socialite Club. “I enjoy being a Socialite SO much! It makes school a lot more fun and exciting to participate in these clubs and activities!”
Though Jamie has LOVED her journey at LJIC, going back to school was difficult for her at first. “Just getting started was pretty difficult for me. Buckling down and doing what I love is the easy part! It has been years since I have been in a classroom setting so getting back to that was challenging. My journey has been incredible though! I believe you get back what you put in to your education! LJIC is helping me fulfill my dreams!” Jamie plans on working in a high-end full service salon once she graduates for a couple years, then she would like to become a traveling educator! “I would like to share knowledge and help others be better! It would be SO much fun to travel and educate other stylists while also learning new techniques!” Jamie recognizes the importance of her education in order to pursue her dream of being a Cosmetologist! “Don’t give up! This is worth the time and effort you are putting in! There will be nothing more satisfying than finishing what you’ve started! I can’t wait!”
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