May 30, 2018

DIY Sinus Relief at Home

DIY sinus relief
Sinus troubles can leave you feeling miserable. Before surrendering to endless rounds of decongestants, try our simple at-home DIY tutorial to unclog your sinuses.

Our Simple Sinus Relief at Home Tutorial

Kaitlyn Behrens & Cynthia Calvillo, Massage Therapy students at our beauty school in Davenport show simple Sinus Relief techniques. Check it out & Try it out!

Necessary steps

Step 1: Begin the hand massage ritual by spreading your preferred lotion, oil, or cream onto your nondominant hand.

Step 2: Using your thumb & pointer finger from dominant hand to apply medium to deep pressure on tips of each finger for about 3-5 seconds.

Step 3: After applying pressure to the tips of each finger, stroke each individual finger using thumbs & fingers as support with medium pressure. Do this for about 1 minute on each finger.

Step 4: Mirror the entire process on your other hand. Now, your nondominant hand takes on the role of massaging your dominant hand, ensuring both hands receive the therapeutic benefits of this self-massage technique.

DIY Sinus Relief at Home

Wrapping Up

By following these structured steps, you can enhance the effectiveness of your hand massage, promoting sinus relief. Ditch the despair – it’s time to reclaim your breath! Our DIY sinus relief tutorial will provide you with effective sinus comfort right at your fingertips.

Do you want to learn more about the Massage Therapy program & La’ James International College? Call 888.880.2108 or visit our programs page today!

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