To help relieve stress and negative thoughts, try this simple self-soothing method. It is believed that each finger represents an emotion.
Thumb: Anxiety & worry
First Finger: Fear
Middle Finger: Anger & resentment
Ring Finger: Depression & sadness. It is also responsible for better decision-making skills.
Pinky: Self-esteem & stress. It also increases optimism and confidence.
To balance Life Harmony, grasp each finger with the opposite whole hand. Hold it for 1-2 minutes. You will know it is working when you feel a pulsing sensation.
To calm your whole mind, press your thumb into the center of the opposite hand for at least 1 minute.
Find more DIY tips at La’ James International College
Some stress is normal and even necessary. But an abundance of stress can take a toll on your life and your health. Remember to take care of yourself.
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