March 7, 2017
Spray Tanning at Cedar Rapids with Mystic Tan
Using the Mystic Tan – Simple Tutorial
Step 1
Begin by choosing your color of choice [Light, Medium, or Dark].

Step 2
Choose the scent that you prefer.
Step 3
Remember to grab an Accelerator &/or Bronzer. The Accelerator will help your tan process in 3-4 hours instead of 6-8 hours. The Bronzer will give you instant color while you wait for your tan to process. TIP: The bronzer is water soluble and will be removed after the next wash in cold water. To avoid the risk altogether, do not wear tight fitting or light colored clothing right after your tan application.
Step 4
Press Start! The machine will warm up and begin to give you voice commands.
Step 5
While the machine is warming up. Do not forget to grab your foot stickies, ear & eye protections, barrier cream and hair bag. You will want to protect all areas that should not be tanned. TIP: For the best results, exfoliate before your tan. Remove any dry skin to ensure and even application.
Step 6
Next, step into the machine and simply follow the voice commands. You’ll see how easy and effective a beautiful tan can be without wasting money on sub-par spray tanning products.
Step 7
After your tanning application, avoid getting wet for 4-6 hours. This allows your tan to develop. Your tan can last up to a week. TIP: If you are a person who routinely likes to workout or swim, it can fade a little sooner. Avoid quick fading and help your tan last longer by moisturizing daily.
Wrapping Up
Thank you, Jasmine, for the demonstration and for participating in today’s #LjicTuesTorial! Book your next Mystic Tan at La’ James International College in Cedar Rapids today! Call 888.880.2108!
(*Mystic tan is only available at our La’ James International College Cedar Rapids location)
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