August 24, 2018
How to choose the summer hair color that suits you?
Navigating the world of hair color can be an exciting yet daunting task, especially when it comes to selecting the perfect shade for summer. In this guide, we strive to offer expert advice on how to choose the perfect hair color for summer. By Melanie Brons : Licensed Cosmetologist & Educator at La’ James International College…
August 13, 2018
Set Yourself up for Success
By Aundreona Whitfield : College Administrator, Licensed Cosmetologist & Educator at La’ James International College Fort Dodge. How amazing is the feeling that you have completed your hours and are one step closer to your dream? Your educators, mentors, administrator, friends, family and you [your-self] have waited for this day for what may seem a lifetime….
August 10, 2018
Why I Became an Educator
By Karen Marple : Licensed Cosmetologist & Educator & College Administrator at La’ James International College Iowa City After managing a salon and owning my own salon, I decided it was time to share the knowledge I have gained from working with clients, other stylists, from the advanced education I participated in and from the business…
August 4, 2018
Let the Journey Begin!
By: Wendy Dierks : College Administrator, Licensed Cosmetologist & Educator at La’ James International College Cedar Falls. As doors close on the first chapter of your educational journey, let the new doors open. Often times, new doors can appear to be large and sometimes heavy. You may even fear what is on the other side….
July 21, 2018
Is hair color bad for your hair?
By: Abby Chaney & Amanda Casstevens: Licensed Cosmetologists & Educators at La’ James International College in Iowa City. A lot of people question if “coloring” your hair is going to damage it. Of course many different things can determine if that is a yes or no answer. What type of products do you use? What is…
July 12, 2018
A Simple Guide to Face Shapes
I wonder how many of you have had this scenario happen; Cool new hairstyle picked out, only to be told “that cut is not right for you” by your stylist? How many of you have ever had a “bad” haircut? Probably most of us! And if we wanted to be real honest, it wasn’t the…
July 6, 2018
Oily skin! What to do & what not to do.
By: Jacy Bunz : Licensed Esthetician, Licensed Cosmetologist & at La’ James International College Cedar Falls. Don’t Assume that oily skin means you will have acne. Sebum or oil is naturally found in our skin to keep it soft and pliable. Plus it helps to keep your hair shiny and healthy. Yes having oily skin…
June 28, 2018
Summer Hair!
By Emily Winegarden : Licensed Cosmetologist & Educator at La’ James International College Fort Dodge. Lazy Lake days while floating around & soaking up all the sunshine is what summer is all about. When those warmer temperatures FINALLY come around, we’re ready to hit the pool, lake and/or beach! One important thing that always comes to mind,…
DIY: Red, White & Blue Nail Marbling
Edward Wilson, Cosmetology student at La’ James International College in Fremont shows a cute look perfect for the 4th of July celebrations! Check it out & Try it out! WHAT YOU NEED: 1 small cup of water Choice of Polishes (we chose Red, White & Blue) Toothpicks Elmer’s Glue Step 1: Apply glue as a barrier…
June 7, 2018
Should I Become an Esthetician – 5 Signs to Look For
By: Ashley Kelley: Licensed Cosmetologist, Licensed Esthetician & Instructor at La’ James International College Davenport. The global skin care market is a 134 billion dollar a year industry and growing steadily*; with career pursuits from medical and spa esthetics, to makeup artistry and cosmetic development and retail. But, how do you know if esthetics is the…